
Dermaplaning is a cosmetic technique used to exfoliate the skin while getting rid of dead skin cells and "peach fuzz" hairs. It is an effective and safe exfoliation procedure that instantly makes skin look and feel smoother with no downtime. Treatments are recommended every 4-6 weeks. 

Dermaplaning Facial 

Includes, Double cleanse, Skin preparation, Dermaplaning treatment, Enzyme Peel and a Hyaluronic Acid anti-ageing Mask that hydrates the skin to finish. Instant results.

35-45 minute treatment 

Deluxe Dermaplaning Facial 

Includes Deep cleanse, Skin preparation, Dermaplaning treatment, Enzyme Peel and Platinum Mask Application followed by RED Light therapy which rejuvenates the complexion to target cells beneath the skin’s surface, stimulating them to produce new collagen to reduce wrinkles and fight acne-causing bacteria. Results are immediate showing a healthy glow with an overall smooth finish.

60 minute treatment 

Recommended aftercare

Sometimes after dermaplaning, the skin will end up peeling slightly. This normally only happens when there is not enough time in between treatments to let the hair’s growth cycle be completed. This is why it is important to leave enough time between visits to get the best results.

There is no need to worry about the hair on your face getting any darker. Since dermaplaning only targets the vellus hair (peachfuzz) the hair will grow back the same size and color. It is physiologically impossible for the hair to grow back thicker and dark, so no need to panic and worry.

Never do this procedure at home. Leave it to the professionals to ensure a safe and effective treatment.

You don’t need to plan any downtime to recover from a dermaplaning treatment. You may experience redness or feel like your skin is scraped in the two or three days right after the procedure. After a dermaplaning treatment, you’ll need to be extra careful about sun exposure.

The Beauty Plan Treatment Room

The Beauty Plan tailored to you

All of our treatments are personalised with products specific to your skin type and goals.

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